Fly like an Eagle with

Is creating new Software that integrates Enterprises and SalesForce is a little too much like Rocket Science? – Will it make incubating great Software easy?

“ and VMware are forging a high-profile partnership, according to a Web site announcing an April 27 event being held by the companies. ”

(Shown above: Clairvoyance and  Clairvoyance by Magritte )

Published in: on April 22, 2010 at 1:30 pm  Leave a Comment  

“Governance is a snoozer, But poor security can be hazardous”

Just finished listening to a podcast by David Linthicum- CTO of Bick Group, and Bryan Doerr, CTO of Savvis.

The performance and cost advantages of Cloud Computing  make it unstoppable. However, David Linthicum emphasized how poor security and governance can be hazardous to your Cloud Computing efforts in the long run.

No one likes Governance. It is boring. It is  a snoozer. But without it, you risk making the wrong decision which may expose your company to an avoidable security breach.

You can listen to the full podcast here

[Shown Above: “Menaced Assassin”  by Magritte-  With the right security policies security hazards   can be menaced even before they can do  any damage.  ]

Published in: on April 18, 2010 at 8:57 am  Comments (1)  

Do a billion people have interesting things to say to each other?

I am a fan of twitter.  They have invented a category- microblogging. The beauty of twitter is its public nature, and it allows people to do trend mining.

On the other hand,  most interesting things are said when there is some expectation of privacy.  A micro blogging site which will enforce rule and role based security may persuade people to increase the number of microblogs they by one or two orders of magnitude. Many who have never microblogged may be persuaded to do so.

ow many more tweets would people at a conference like VMWorld would be willing to put, if they were restricted to a select group of friends. There was ways of achieving it, but none are satisfactorily friendly and powerful.

What is needed is an ability to define “Circles”- my inner circle of friends may get microblogs about politics- I may not want all my friends, or my work colleagues  to know about the microblogs.   People have strong views on many subjects that they need to share to a select group of people. This can easily be implemented using XACML and role and rule based security.

I would like a micro blogging site in which I can open my heart, and share my innermost thoughts.  Without fear of it becoming public.  At a more prosaic level,  a secure private micro blogging site may offer benefits to businesses and enhance communication.

Women are concerned about security, and therefore are reticent to do any significant micro blogging.  Geeks may think that publishing your GPS coordinates is cool, most women do not. On the other hand, many women would like a select group of people to know their location.

Twitter(or Microblogging) is  expected to  reach  a billion registered users in the future.  Scalability challenges of a site  like this are enormous.  Creating an affordable solution that will work at Internet scale for something like this- It is a problem worth discussing.

Published in: on September 4, 2009 at 8:14 pm  Leave a Comment